For the first time since September last year, I have NO other photos to work on except my own!
As much as I love shooting weddings and families and babies, I haven't had a spare moment to work on pictures of my own little family, so I'm slowly making my way through the last 9 months or so of photos, yikes!
The photos I'm sharing today were taken waaay back in the Christmas holidays, ha ha!
I thought we'd try something that was fun, cheap and SUPER MESSY!
I bought 3 tubes of water based paint from the junk store and then let the kids rip!
They were a bit unsure at first 'Can we REALLY squirt paint on each other?!' so they just squirted little bits in their hands and rubbed it on their legs..
Until I made them stand up so I could squirt them :D
{Why? Because they're goofballs, that's why ;D}
After that they really let loose!
Some of us got cheeky and tried to squirt Mummy..
..then got upset when no paint would come out, ha ha!
When you're this far gone, why not pour it all in your hair too?
"Awwww it's all cold and sticky!"
I can report that I put their clothes straight in the wash and they all came out spotless, even the white singlets!
I highly recommend this activity, the kids had a blast :D
Go on, the mess is fun!