Way back in September, for Fathers Day, I gave hubby a voucher for himself and Charlotte to do the courses at
Treetop Adventure Park in the Ourimbah State Forest.
We didn't get a chance to use it until last month because of bad weather, holidays, birthdays, etc but it was worth the wait!
Charlotte getting her gear fitted..
Even though this was his present, most of the pictures are of Charlotte, lol because I had to follow her along the children's course.
When I first saw how high the kids course was, I thought for sure charlotte would chicken out! But she really surprised me, I'm so proud of her :) She was scared, but she just kept on going like a champ!
There are 3 children's courses all up and on each course the kids are hooked up to a continuous belay system, so they can just worry about having fun :)
It also means you can't really chicken out because there are a bunch of other kids hooked up behind you haha!
At the end of each course there's a flying fox to get back down to the ground, super fun!
There are all different kinds of ropes and bridges to cross, some scarier than others!
The staff were fantastic, someone helped her across the first bridge to get her used to being up there, and someone helped her through part of the second course when she got a bit scared. They were very patient with her :)
The other kids that were there on the day were such a great bunch, instead of getting angry and frustrated when Charlotte got scared and wouldn't budge, they encouraged her to keep going, saying things like "Come on Charlotte, you can do it!" and then they all clapped and cheered when she made it to the other side :)
One of the other kids even had to "rescue" her, lol. She tried to swing across to the other side like a flying fox instead of walking across the rope but didn't get enough momentum and ended up dangling in the middle! The boy behind her had to start crossing the rope and give her a bit of a push until she was able to climb up onto the next platform :)
She kept right on going though! All up she did the 3 courses 3 times each! By her last lap around she was a pro :)
After we had a break for lunch we went and watched hubby on one of the adult courses. I knew he would love it, he used to volunteer with the State Emergency Service so is trained in all sorts of rescue abseiling and caving etc so this was right up his alley!
William had to have a turn wearing charlotte's helmet :D He was calling out "Careful Daddy!" and giving him the thumbs up, so cute :)
Then he got bored and played with my iPhone instead haha!
He was a bit little to join in the real fun, you have to be 3 to do the children's courses but he still enjoyed the day out :)
Back to the Childrens course for Charlotte!
Peekaboo! Riding the flying fox like a lady, hands and ankles crossed ;)
She really enjoyed herself, I was amazed by how brave she was. In some parts you could see the fear on her face but she pushed through :)
This is my favourite shot from the day :)
{I used 'Pop my Backlight' from My Four Hens to edit all these shots}
{The photo templates are from
Pugly Pixel and are FREE! Yay!}
At one stage towards the end of her session she got a bit *too* confident and had a fall from the bridge in the bottom left. She tipped to the side and screamed as she spun in the air, hanging by her rope, then got her feet back up on the boards and called down "That was REALLY FREAKY!!"
Some parts were pretty high for a 5 year old! She's so brave!
William was pretty proud of his big sister, he ran and gave her a big hug and a kiss when she came off for the last time, so sweet :)
We had such a great time there, I think we'll definitely take Charlotte back there when her
broken arm is all better, she was so brave
when she went to hospital that I think she deserves a special treat....and I kind of want to have a turn too haha!!
Thanks for stopping by!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli