As you may already know from my last post, my baby girl broke her arm last weekend :(
We took her to Emergency and they said she has a fracture to her Ulna, the outside bone of her forearm.
They put this 'half cast' on her for a week until the swelling went down, then we had to go to the Fracture Clinic at the hospital on Monday to get her full plaster cast put on.
So, there we were at the hospital, thinking we were just there to get a fresh cast....
When the Doctor came in, looked at her cast, looked at her x-rays and said "Well, this isn't right."
It turns out the Doctors in Emergency last week had failed to notice her Radius (the other bone in her forearm) was dislocated..
And she had the wrong cast on for where her fracture is..
The Doctor then went on to frighten the life out of my sweet little girl saying things like 'operation' 'cut your bone' 'metal plate' 'stitches'.... there was no sugar coating!!
So instead of a fresh cast, we were booked in for Surgery first thing yesterday morning!

Fortunately for Charlotte, once they got into the operating theatre they were able to manipulate the bone back into place without any surgery, phew!
So now she is in a cast and sling pulled right up under her chin, which she can't remove for a week.
I had to cut her out of the clothes she wore in surgery (just an old singlet!) and then make her a dress out of a size 10 girls top to wear around :D
We go back to the clinic on Monday to find out whether or not the bone has stayed in place and if she will need surgery or we've gotten away with it.
Keep your fingers crossed for us!