Let me start by saying we don't really "do" Halloween in Australia. Which means, we've never carved a Halloween pumpkin before! It's starting to slowly creep in though, every year there seems to be a few more people celebrating but not a whole lot. Last night we had 4 lots of Trick or Treaters, which is the most we've ever had, lol.
So, when I saw that our local supermarket had got in some special Halloween pumpkins, I thought it might be fun to do one with the kids!
Remember, we've never done this before, so no laughing!!
Charlotte loved the scooping out the 'guts' part!
This one made me laugh so hard!
{Linking up with Simplicity's "Blooper" challenge}
Our VERY rough, kind of lop sided pumpkin =D
Charlotte was so proud of it she took it to preschool for show and tell yesterday!

I hope you enjoyed our first attempt! Hopefully we'll be better at it next year haha!