I've finally found the time to share Charlotte's muddy puddle shoot :)
She had SO.MUCH.FUN doing this and thought I was the coolest Mum ever, lol. Who wouldn't want to jump in a muddy puddle wearing gumboots and their best party dress?
*Massive photo dump ahead*
Getting ready to head in..
Stepping into the puddle..
A small test jump...
Then she got down to business!
I thought this was a bit of a crazy face hehe
I love this shot of my princess :)
Sweet Shot Tuesday and Happy Monday 'Something You Love' (I love my pretty girl :) )
A BIG splash!
She was getting some height!
Perceptive Perspective 'Outdoors' Challenge
As you can imagine her boots kept filling up with a LOT of muddy water, lol
I took these at about 3:30pm and caught some beautiful light, I still need a lot of practice at how best to use it though!
Simplicity's 'Messy' Challenge
Her dress was very messy by then end of our little session!
Having a sit down, lol
Squeezing out the muddy juice haha!
I put her dress straight in the wash when we got home and it came out spotless :D Phew!

I encourage all the mammas to let their kids jump in a muddy puddle, great fun and great photos!