Two of Charlotte from our hair crimping session, the top one is obviously before the crimping started, lol. I love how her eyes look in that one :) And The Willy Man being cool at Swansea and doing some naked boarding at Grandma's pool hehe.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Project 52 - Week 3
Week 3 already! And so far I'm going strong...lets hope I can keep it up for the whole year! I'm hoping when I look back through these I can see how I'm improving with my photography :) Don't forget to check out my Project 52 tab up the top so you can see each week's storyboard!
Central Coast Photography,
Project 52,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Photo Shoot!
On Friday I was lucky enough to do a photo shoot for an old school friend's little girl, isn't she adorable?!
I loved how she kept holding her skirt up :)
For these photo's I added a Robin's Egg Blue Tint from Paint The Moon's Dreamy Rainbow Tints and Mists set :)
Watching the duckies :)
For these two I used a Cotton Candy Tint and Mist both from the PTM set above
I loved how blue her eyes were in this photo!
(she *might* have fallen out of this tree :o oops!)
(she wasn't very high up, lol its ok!)
Love this one :)
For these last one's I used Candy Light Pop and Hush Now also from PTM
What do you think? Pretty cute hey?!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
We're about to move house so I've been *trying* to pack and clean while hubby is at work....but it's not going well with 2 kiddies under my feet, lol. Charlotte was helping me clean out the bathroom cabinets and we came across my old crimper, which naturally Charlotte HAD to try IMMEDIATELY haha! So we abandoned our packing, put William in bed and had an afternoon crimp session, lol.
Here are the SOOC's
And then I jazzed them up a bit in PSE8 using 'Wonder Quickie' by Annie at Paint The Moon and then used 'Warm Rain' by Sarah at My Four Hens :) And the frame is from M4H too :)
Doesn't she look too cool for school?? =D It was another stinking hot day here so she was in her usual outfit of just a pair of knickers...I seriously don't know why I bothered buying this kid a summer wardrobe!
Before we did the crimping I managed to snap this gorgeous photo of her with my f1.8 :) The hardest part about a prime lens is constantly having to scoot backwards when the kids won't stay put! It did mean I got this beautiful close up of her eyes though :) Looking at this it's hard to believe she's only 4 =O

Sunday, January 16, 2011
Handsome Little Man
We spent the day up at Swansea for my sister in laws birthday and had lots of fun lounging in the water, building sandcastles, snorkelling and kayaking and I want to share some pics of my little man who is growing up too fast!
Here he is getting his little toes wet :) He was quite happy playing in the shallow water here!
And here he is having a play in one of the kayak's :)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Project 52 - Week 2
Yay two weeks down, 50 to go LOL!
Here is my collage for the week, some pics of the kiddies in our courtyard, Charlotte at the awesome new playground and Charlotte with the 8ft 200kg Bull Shark that was caught at one of our local beaches :o That we've swum at :o *insert Jaws theme here*
Oh, I had a lovely photo shoot yesterday too, an old school friend asked me to do some shots of her little girl, she was so sweet :) Hopefully I can share some with you soon!
Thanks for stopping by!
Central Coast Photography,
Project 52
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Touch Up Tuesday!
We have this really awesome new playground that's just opened near us, so we took the kiddies there after swimming lessons on Saturday :) We had a little fish n chips picnic under a tree then went and did some playing! They just love it there, I really should share a video of William giggling on the swing!
Anyhoo...I snapped this nice picture of Miss Charlotte on the big net swing (I don't know what ts actually called, lol) but it needed a bit of jazzing up :D

Anyhoo...I snapped this nice picture of Miss Charlotte on the big net swing (I don't know what ts actually called, lol) but it needed a bit of jazzing up :D
I didn't do anything fancy, I cropped it in and just ran Nelly Nero's Pump Me Up! and then CoffeeShop's Sun Kissed and adjusted them til I was happy with the result :)
For more Tuesday touch ups head to the always fabulous Paper Heart Camera
And over at The Trendy Treehouse the theme is Bubbles! I have lots and lots of bubble pictures but this was yesterday:
Charlotte got this fairy dress for Christmas from her Aunty so we took it for a twirl under the bubble machine! Except she's a bit distracted by her home grown strawberry here, lol
Don't forget you can vote for your fav bubble photo in the comments section on the Shutter Love Tuesday Linky post :) Vote for my rainbow bubble fairy!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Project 52 - Week 1
I love the idea of Project 365 but I know I would fail at it very early on, lol. I also love the idea of Project 52 but one photo a week didn't seem enough with the amount I take, so I compromised and decided to do Project 52 with a collage of my best/favourite photo's of the week :D
I haven't decided if I'll use the same layout every week but I hope to share around 4 photo's....that I'm sure I will have posted through the week anyway!
So here is my week 1:
I haven't decided if I'll use the same layout every week but I hope to share around 4 photo's....that I'm sure I will have posted through the week anyway!
So here is my week 1:
I haven't linked up with anyone... I wasn't sure if my collage counted for Project 52 or not, lol so if you are hosting or know someone who is let me know and I'd love to link up!
Central Coast Photography,
Project 52
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Dive Day
I have a few more photo's to share from when we tagged along on Dad's dive day yesterday :) I took my 50mm f1.8 for a spin :D I'm getting the hang of it, they're all sooc, I've just resized and sharpened them for the web and added my signature :)
Charlotte under the bridge watching for Grandpa to go past underwater. It was so clear you could see the divers on the bottom!
Oh and she fell in, hence the no shirt situation, lol
(not from there, she slipped on the boat ramp while playing in the water!)
Little ratbag kept standing up to touch the beams making Mummy and Grandma very nervous!
William playing peekaboo with a lady on the beach, lol
If this little face doesn't put you on cloud nine I don't know what will :D
Mr Serious
Told you the water was clear! Look at all those lil fishies! And some big ones swimming around the pillars.
I'm not really sure what the best way is to take a photo in this situation...any tips??
I know I shared this one yesterday but I'm proud of it, lol. Even if it is a bit overexposed on the right :D
Oh and if anyone is interested these were taken at Swansea in NSW about 2 hours North of Sydney :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Under The Bridge
My Dad loves to scuba dive :) He tries to go at least once a fortnight and as he's still on holidays he decided to go for a dive today and me and my Mummy and my babies tagged along (poor hubby was back to work today)
I got HEAPS of photo's as usual, lol and I'll share them a bit later but I'm n love with this photo and wanted to share it now :D
It took many, many attempts to get what I was after, lol but I got there in the end! I really hope that in the New Year I can spend the time to learn how to get the most out of my camera and take more shots like this one :)
The water was so clear you could see the divers on the bottom!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Memories Dreams and Reflections!
Ashley from Ramblings and Photos has encouraged us to take a walk down memory lane and share our favourite moments from 2010. She's given us a list of 25 prompts to choose our photographs for, so without further ado, here is my 2010 :)
Oh and I only got my "big girl" camera a few months ago so some are with my point and shoot but I loves them anyways =D
Oh and I only got my "big girl" camera a few months ago so some are with my point and shoot but I loves them anyways =D
1. ME!
Yep, this is me :D I took this photo for Scavenger Hunt Sunday one week :)
2. I Love You
One half of my family :) I love my boys <3
3. Still Laughing...
It was so funny when this moth crawled into Charlotte's mouth!!
If you want to see the rest of this series, go HERE
4. Winter Wonderland
It doesn't get very Wintery around here...its a 7 hour drive to the snow and you pretty much have to sell a kidney to afford to go! So I've gone with this photo of the first time Charlotte went ice skating :) The ice rink here has a preschoolers session every Wednesday and Thursday morning where they learn to skate and have 'snow play'. Very cute!
5. Birthday
I can't believe my baby girl is now a 4 year old!! It was her birthday just before Christmas and we celebrated at the Opera House and Sydney Harbour :)
6. Friends
This is my little girl and her friend Cooper :) They were actually walking down our driveway...but this looks much better, don't you think? LOL!
7. I Was Inspired
When I got photoshop at the beginning of the year, I was inspired to start making these fantasy type photo's of my kiddlets :D Haven't done one in months though :/
For more pictures like these and the 'before' shots click on the Fantasy Photo's tab up the top :D
8. Spring Fever
Pretty spring lavender :)
9. Travel/Vacation
This was on our family holiday to Bateman's Bay back in March :) We were lucky enough to be allowed into the koala enclosure for some hands on action =D We also held a wombat and hubby and Charlotte held a snake *shudder*
10. Summer Days
My baby girl about to go swimming in Grandma and Grandpa's pool :D
11. A Day In My Life
A typical day in my life usually involves some sort of messy activity that I have to clean up after, lol
12. All Smiles
This kid has the best smile!! A real cheesy grin, lol.
I was also lucky enough to have this photo featured on The Pioneer Woman's Blog =O Definitely one of the high points of my photography journey so far!
13. Autumn Harvest
My little man playing in the Autumn leaves :)
(So sad that that Australian Wallabies tracksuit won't fit him anymore :( I'm going to put it on a teddy bear for him though, lol)
(So sad that that Australian Wallabies tracksuit won't fit him anymore :( I'm going to put it on a teddy bear for him though, lol)
14. Family
Ok, so I didn't take this one, my brother did, lol. But this is my little family :)
15. Celebrate!
New Years fireworks 2010 on the waterfront :)
16. Lets Do It Again
I'd love to take my little family back to Dizzyland soon, Charlotte loved it and William will be able to go on a couple of rides now too :)
17. I Miss You
This was taken back in February, he's changed so much since then! I miss my little baby!!
18. Beautiful
My beautiful girl :)
19. Dress Up
William was Super Baby for Halloween!
20. Macro
Not a real macro, but I love this close up bubble picture!
21. Holidays
Certainly not one of my best photo's but I love it :) All Charlotte wanted from Santa was a Fireman Sam dvd, she LOVES Fireman Sam, lol, so I was so excited to find this Fireman Sam doll on Ebay to surprise her with! He hasn't left her side since Christmas morning :)
22. My Favourite
My favourite photograph of Charlotte for the year, she looks like Goldilocks :)
For the rest of this photo shoot go HERE
23. Don't Ever Change
I wish my little man would stay this way forever, with those little bunny rabbit teeth!
And for the rest of this shoot look HERE
24. Just Because...So There!
Just because I really like how this turned out haha :P
25. Hopes and Dreams
I hope in 2011 I can take the time to learn how to take better photo's, especially with my new 50mm f1.8, I love it already! And I hope that I do an awesome job at the two weddings I have lined up in the next few months, eek!
I really enjoyed the walk down memory lane and I encourage you to join in too!
HAPPY 2011!!
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