Charlotte is probably a little bit late to the whole riding without training wheels deal, but since she had her broken arm/dislocated elbow, she's been a bit spooked about getting hurt.
BUT, she's been saving money in what she calls her 'bike jar' (her reward money for good behaviour, good school work etc) and last weekend we took her to choose her bike after we got a glowing report from her kindergarten teacher on how she's doing at school :)
She decided on this Monster High bike and the next day we took her down to the waterfront so she could test it out. She did amazing! She took to it pretty much straight away, we were so proud :)
(I haven't mastered th3 art of running backwards with my camera so this one's a bit blurry, but look at her face! Her first proper ride without training wheels!)
She was soon doing laps around the waterfront park :)
A little help from Daddy to start off again..
She was pretty proud of herself, riding along bobbing her head side to side singing "This is so cool, I'm riding my bike, with no training wheels, la la la la.." hehe
After the waterfront we took her to the local netball courts, which is where practically everyone learns to ride, it's almost like the rules ;)
William was in 'fire pole' heaven, haha sliding down all the netball posts!
Now she just needs to master how to start off and how to use the brakes! At the moment she just jumps off when she's had enough :/
Thanks for stopping by xx